Rosacea And Facial Redness

Rosacea is a nasty skin disease, timely recognition is crucial!
Rosacea is a serious challenge in the lives of many of us, and affecting about 5-10 % of the population worldwide. These symptoms are unfortunately now common among people.
Due to the synthetic poisons of the last 100 years, our unbalanced and stressful of lifestyle, a combination of genetic tendency and the lack of conscious information, many skin symptoms are now accepted by medical expert as incurable and they can only treat the symptoms.
What is rosacea?
Rosacea is a chronic rash involving the face that mostly occurs in people with lighter skin, while it is difficult to see on people with darker skin type. In those with darker skin types, redness is replaced with brown or purple discolouration on the skin. Rosacea and redness-prone skin conditions may develop any time during our life but mainly affecting people between 30 and 50 years and very difficult to control. Despite the years of research still have not yet provided a cure but have been able to give more information about the condition itself and how to control it. If detected early there is a good chance to prevent facial redness developing.
Stages of the disease
There are several stages of the disease, it is important to be aware of these so that we can take the right steps in time.
- Pre-rosacea: flushing appears in the face in the form flush attacks, which goes away in a few minutes or in 1-2 hours. The main provoking factors are stress, hot drinks, sunlight and intense sports activities.
- Stage 1: a condition in which redness persists for a long time and capillaries also begin to appear. The skin becomes sensitive especially when trying to apply some cosmetics it could be an uncomfortable burning sensation.
- Stage 2: at this stage blushing will last longer for days or weeks becoming more noticeable and permanent. Pimples, red bumps and pustules can also begin to appear on the face.
- Stage 3: this is the most severe stages, causing facial pain, burning sensations, intense flushing, swelling, and inflammation from clusters of papules and pustules. By this stage many sufferer developed some eye problems as well. In some cases a red, bumpy or bulbous nose (rhinophyma) can develop. It’s not known why, but this is more common in men than in women.

Why does rosacea develop?
The cause of the disease is not clear, hereditary predisposition and the influence of various environmental factors can play some role. According to the theory accepted today, the root of the disease is the defective vegetative innervation of the blood vessels of the skin. This theory seems to be supported by the connection of rosacea with migraine. It is also associated with certain illnesses such as hypertension, digestive problems and inflammation.
What can trigger rosacea?
Anything that increases body temperature and causes flushing can trigger rosacea, like:
- exposure to sunlight
- hot weather
- stress
- saunas
- alcohol
- excessive exercise
- spicy food
- windy weather
- some cosmetics
- preserved food
- medication (vasodialator drugs used for high blood pressure and medication containing active substances that increase photosensitivity)
Treatment of rosacea
This skin condition cannot be cured, but with proper treatment and care, significant improvement can be achieved and the deteriorating trend can be slowed down. There are several treatments available for rosacea like medicated creams or ointments, laser or light therapies and oral antibiotics. We do not want to get into the details of these treatments as there is plenty of information available by the expert of those fields on the internet. We would rather talk about other possible ways like good skin care routine and cosmetical treatments and the use of natural ingredient to help in the management of this skin disease.

Cosmetic treatment of rosacea
During the treatment primarily vasoconstrictive, anti-inflammatory cosmetics are used to relieve unpleasant, often painful, symptoms. The purpose of cosmetic treatment of rosacea facial skin is:
- strengthening the wall of capillaries
- sunlight / UV protection
- soothing of the facial skin during the inflammatory phase
Today, various skin allergies are becoming more and more common and not only the artificial colouring and additives represent problems, but many people are allergic to other ingredients found in cosmetics as well. For people with sensitive skin, a cosmetic novelty, plasma light therapy, can be a solution for treating inflamed skin, strengthening blood vessel walls, regenerating the skin and stimulating collagen production.
Cosmetic treatment can be done alone or, depending on the cause, as an addition to medical treatment. During the treatment which includes:
- thorough cleansing (disinfection) of the facial skin
- vascular gymnastics (by training and exercising the blood vessels, the purple, stagnant congestion on the face can be prevented)
- renewal and oxygenation of the epidermis
- revitalizing and soothing facial skin
In all cases the condition of the facial skin can be improved with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor active ingredients. Based on experience, patients who can take part in strengthening their immune system in parallel with external treatment can recover faster. Products that are suitable for the treatment of rosacea should not only be fragrance and dye free but should also hydrate the skin while strengthening the walls of the vessels and reducing redness.
Cosmetic treatments can dramatically improve the condition of the skin, but the effect can only be temporary if there are other diseases in the background or we increase the aggravation of the symptoms with our lifestyle.
Experience shows that it is not possible to eliminate the root causes permanently with symptomatic treatment alone, especially with substances that are themselves harmful to the human body. Active symptoms can temporarily be reduced, but skin problems will reoccur, and eventually get worse in the long run. Over time, the structure of the skin becomes more and more damaged.
According to the latest scientific findings, if the skin balance is upset for any reason – whether toxins, vitamin deficiencies, hormone changes or stress – the skin loses its defending ability and pathogenic agents will multiply on its surface. In cases like this the main goal is to regenerate and balance the skin by normalizing the skin’s microbiological protective flora so it can fulfil its natural protective function again.
Many patients find prescription drugs and therapies unsatisfactory and they turn to herbal remedies for relief of their facial redness. Some of the used herbal compounds include feverfew, green tea, oatmeal, lavender, chamomile, calendula, vervain, tea tree oil, and camphor oil. The usefulness of most of these herbs is based on their alleged anti-inflammatory properties
A herbal product like this that has 75 specially selected herbs among them many have very special properties like: anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effects just to name a few. These components of the herbs are all in synergy with each other and are able to help the skin to regain its healthy status, so it can guard against the harmful agents entering your body.