Are You Struggling With Skin Diseases? – Part 2: Skin Infections And Skin Lesions
Going a little deeper into the big topic of skin diseases, it is important to separate skin infections and skin lesions within skin diseases. As mentioned in the previous article , the skin is our body’s first line of defence, which protects our bodies from pathogens entering our bodies. However, in some cases, it is this line of defence that becomes infected..
Basically there are 3 types of skin infections:
- bacterial skin infection
- viral skin infection
- fungal skin infection
Bacterial skin infections can be caused by bacteria entering the surface of the skin. It often starts with small, tiny, red tubers, but then grows larger and larger. For milder infections, the problem can be easily treated with creams and ointments, but for more severe ones, antibiotic treatment may be needed.
Type of bacterial skin infections:
- Cellulitis (not to be confused with cellulite) is a common and rapidly developing inflammatory skin infection that mostly appears on the lower legs, but can occur on the arms and face as well. Many times it develops around a neglected wound or insect bite. Cellulitis is a more serious, complicated form of erysipelas.
- Furuncle (boil) is a painful skin abscesses caused by staphylococcal infection, which involve a hair follicle and surrounding skin. It begins as a red lump, and then fills with a yellow or white pus.
- Impetigo is a bacterial infection of the top layer of epidermal skin It is highly contagious and more common in children than adults. Its distinctive mark is a honey-coloured crust.
Viral skin infections, as their name suggests, are caused by viruses. Among them, there are milder and more severe ones. Some of them are known as paediatric diseases.
Types of viral skin infections:
- chickenpots
- measles
- shingles
- warts
Fungal skin infections most often develop on the foot, toenails, or in the armpits. They are usually milder and non-infectious, but if we don’t pay enough attention to them, we can have a hard time getting rid of them.
- Ringworm is a highly contagious, purulent skin disease that can develop mostly on the facial skin in children. It can even have a serious complication affecting your kidneys.
In all cases of skin infections consult a specialist!
Skin lesions are another area more commonly known in addition to skin infections. A variety of lesions can appear on our skin for a number of reasons. Their size, colour, shape, surface and feel help a lot in defining them.
Here are some skin lesions:
- Moles are a tissue proliferation that occurs in certain areas of the skin, which can be vascular or glandular. Most people have them and they’re usually nothing to worry about unless they change their colour size or shape.
- Fibromas are small, benign skin growths that mostly develop on the lower legs, upper arms or upper back. Beneath this brown and firm nodule often feel like a little stone.
- Common warts which are caused by infection with human papillomavirus and it mainly appears in childhood on the back of the hands and on the fingers(at the base of the nails).
- The corns are also a wart, but because they appear on the soles of the feet or toes, they cannot grow outward. Thus, expanding inward can also push nerve endings, making it so painful.
- Plane warts are most common in children with weakened immune systems. They are often seen as moles. Quite resistant to treatments.
- In addition to the above, there are quite a few other skin lesions, such as benign and malignant skin tumours, which I will not cover now.
I mentioned in a previous article that emotions also influence our skin, as the manifestations of our souls affect our inner biochemistry.Psychological research has showed that skin diseases were more common in children who were not expected by their parents or expected to be of the opposite sex. Moreover, the causes of recurrent skin problems can usually be traced back to a bad mother-child relationship, but similarly, relationship problems can lead to skin diseases, or an annoying boss, or perhaps a constantly teasing neighbour. All these spiritual reasons change our internal biochemistry, and as a result the PH value of our skin also changes, so the so-called acid mantle – which not only the first defence system but also protects the skin – cannot perform its protective functions and thus the skin itself can become infected.
For milder skin infections and skin lesions, you can safely use Arquebusade Elixir herbal extract.
For all of them? Perhaps at first hearing it may sound strange and the question may arise: how can a single elixir have a beneficial effect on so many skin problems? In that time, (16th century) where the recipe for making the elixir comes from, the so-called analogical thinking prevailed. This meant that they were looking for similarities in the world. They drew parallels between events and made their healing context and regularities. Conversely, people of today, especially those living in Western cultures, consider matters as separate. Moreover, monks passed on their knowledge gained throughout their lives from generation to generation, and as a result, they were able to see inconceivable correlations. Thanks to these discoveries, they found solutions to such complex problems that seem unimaginable today. This is the way the Arquebusade Swiss Elixir can help with the most varied skin problems, as it alleviates pain, reduces inflammation, nourishes and regenerates skin cells, which are essential for the treatment of skin lesions.