As it all began...
The Arquebusade Elixir was produced in the beginning of the 1500s by French monks for the soldiers fighting in wars, to treat their skin injuries, skin infections, incessant skin problems forming on the face and body as a result of mental suffering caused by wars. Also for the physical injuries like bruises suffered during fighting, as well as for physical pains such as neck, waist, back and leg pains.
Read the full story of the True Arquebusade WaterSome of the herbs found in Arquebusade Elixir
The ingredients in the ancient formula, such as medicinal sage, common comfrey and marigold are sufficient weapons against many types of skin problems alone, and have the ability to restore the health of damaged skin! But the monks went much further than this and created a formula with such a wide range of impact and complexity that the soldiers could use it against a wide variety of skin ailments, skin injuries, bodily injuries and pains gained during wars.
Medical Sage
The queen of herbs
One of the best herb for eczema, psoriasis and hard to heal wounds. Anti-inflammatory and antibiotic effect.
It's power known since ancient times
It is a plant for acne, eczema and other skin disorders due to it's strong disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Black Comfrey
Wound soldering grass
Miraculous plant for muscular pains, joint pains and wound healing.
The True Arquebusade Water contains even more wonderful herbs!
The history of the True Arquebusade Water
St. Antoine monastery
(Vercors, France)
The monks named their Herbal Water after the shot of a medieval gun coup d’Arquebuse. So it became known as “Arquebusade Water”.
Its original name in French: Eau Vulnéraire d’Arquebusade, in English:“Wound healing water of the Arquebusade gunshot”!
The beneficial effects of the True Arquebusade Water are known since centuries
For wounds, bedsores, persistent skin problems
The beginnings
At the beginning of the 1500s, King Francis I of France ordered monks to create an effective herbal extract for his soldiers’ gunshot wounds caused by the Arquebusade musket - used from the end of the middle ages -, along with other skin problems and illnesses developed on legs and body!
Persistent mild or serious skin problems such as wounds, bedsores, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, scarring, erysipelas, dishydrosis, hand, sole bullae....
Found out how they used it!Remedy of skin infections, body pains and rheumatic muscle pains
Was not only used for wounds….
The elixir not only helped many times in cases of stubborn skin problems developed on face and body due to mental sufferings.
But it soothed and quite often stopped the back, hip, neck pains and muscle sores caused by the heavy workloads.
They also used it for pains or cramps in thigh and calf after a long strenuous marching or on wounds caused by footwear. It eliminated foot fungus as well!
Found out how they used it!Used for infections and inflammations in the mouth
It was a great help for oral infections too!
The elixir provided quick and effective help for soldiers in case of oral infections, aphthas, toothaches, gum abrasions, was very effective for herpes.
The physical injuries that occurred during the ruthless fighting cuts, stabbings, punctures, burns, blows, strikes, sprains, bruises, abrasions and freezing, dislocations were successfully treated! It quickly and effectively managed hemorrhoids.
Found out how they used it!For the above listed skin problems and physical pains Arquebusade Water was manufactured and used from the beginning of the 1500s, then later from the 1790s up until the 1900s!
How was it possible for this ancient Herbal Elixir to be so effective and to be used in so many ways?
It certainly caught the reader's attention how versatile this ancient Elixir is and how many ways it can be applied to skin and body problems. Unfortunately, in today's age, the widespread view is that "what is good for everything is good for nothing". However, in the 16th and 17th centuries when this Elixir was first made, and in the preceding centuries of the Middle Ages, people followed a whole different set of fundamental thoughts and worldview.
During that time, the monks lived their lives according to analogous thinking. This meant that they were looking for similarities in the world. They drew parallels between events and made their healing elixirs, creams, tinctures and other impressive remedies along the lines of universal context and regularities.
Conversely, people of today consider matters as separate. In the modern day, we don't always see and do not even look for such relationships that monks of the medieval period were able to discern.
Monks passed on their knowledge gained throughout their lives from generation to generation, and as a result, they were able to see inconceivable correlations. Thanks to these discoveries, they found solutions to complex problems.
For us it might be invisible, but the monks discovered connections between things as a result of their universal thinking, and they were able to produce preparations that were effective in several fields at the same time and could treat problems.
This ancient herbal elixir's versatility and effectiveness was due to the great knowledge and experience accumulated over the centuries by the monks.
Why is the origin of Arquebusade Water tied to the St-Antoine monastery?
In reality, only one story is related to the recipe written down
in the 1630s.
According to this story King Francis I in the beginning
of the 1500s instructed the monks to prepare an effective herbal extract for the
gunshot wounds of his soldiers caused by the Arquebuse rifle (heavy rifle, musket)
was used from the end of the Middle-Ages – and other physical injuries caused
by ruthless fights. They treated different skin conditions as well, that developed
result of mental suffering.
Read the full history of Arquebusade
Origin of the Arquebusade Water recipe
According to our current knowledge, the recipe written down in the beginning of the 1630s is to this day the only known remaining original Arquebusade Water recipe!
My research has revealed that original invoices, written documents, correspondences remained only about 2 types of Arquebusade Water throughout history. The first one may have been produced from roughly the beginning of the 1500s and it's recipe was written down in the beginning of the 1630s. The Swiss manufacturer in the Canton of Jura has this original recipe and it is used for the making of Arquebusade Water.
According to archive documents two pharmacists from Lausanne, Mr. Fabre & Bouet used the Arquebusade Water recipe from 1790, and they distributed it across Europe. Even back then Arquebusade Water was very famous and highly recognized!
Based on surviving documents, correspondences and original invoices the Fabre & Bouet trading house - established in 1790 - can be considered the first official manufacturer of Arquebusade Water in history, as we mentioned before. In the 21st century a Swiss manufacturer in the Canton of Jura is continuing the history of the famous Arquebusade Water of Fabre & Bouet house.
About the other Arquebusade Water descriptions remain from the end of the 1700s. Several publications, documents (e.g. publications also in the beginning and throughout the 20th century) mention the Arquebusade Water made of 75 herbs, which is still made today in Switzerland by using the ancient, original recipe!
The reason why it is recommended to be aware of the history of Arquebusade Water and the number of herbs (24 and 75) in the recipe, is because they may provide you with important guidance when you wish to buy the True Arquebusade Elixir! I have written about other important aspects which you can find at the bottom of the page. Always check them before you buy Arquebusade Water!
See what others think about the cultural history booklet and about True Arquebusade
Dr. Robert Lyons
Doctor and Sinologist
I got to know about the True Arquebusade Water and it's story back in 2004. I was enriched - by the cultural history booklet - with countless of valuable information that I was able to apply in my work and, as a result, I could help my patients who came to me even more effectively. I wholeheartedly recommend the True Arquebusade Water and the little booklet about it's history for all ages.
Prof. Steve Bandich
Doctor, Naturopath, Homeopath
Back to nature! This admonition has been uttered many times in the last centuries of mankind. This is still a valid statement today. It was a great experience knowing this unmatched herbal elixir, the True Arquebusade Water and it's unique story found in the booklet. My personal experiences also confirm the information read in the story of Arquebusade Water. (2005)
Kate Smith
The healing monks lived in the late Middle Ages and at the beginning of the new ages used the thousands of years old written documents and the knowledge gained in their own lives to create their extremely effective and widely used elixirs, healing creams, and tinctures. The Arquebusade Water is a fine example of the knowledge of the monks.
What was it used for?
The household Pharmacy from the 16th century!
Arquebusade Water was used for a wide range of skin problems in the previous centuries across Europe
Skin problems
- Acne |
- Rosacea |
- Psoriasis |
- Eczema |
- Ulcers |
- Brown spots |
- Wounds |
- Herpes |
- Skin irritations |
- Sebborheic Dermatitis |
- Burning and Scalding |
- Itching Erysipelas |
- Vasculitis |
Mouth Problems
- For Oral Wounds |
- Toothache |
- Mouth Ulcers |
- Gum Abrasion |
- Sore Throat |
Scalp problems
- Hair Loss |
- Dandruff |
- Itchy Scalp |
Muscle aches and body pains
- Painful Thighs And Calves |
- Painful Haemorrhoids |
- Painful Corns on the Foot |
- Inward Growing Warts |
- Rheumatic Muscle Pains |
- Neck And Back Pains |
- Foot Swelling |
- Sunburn |
- Insect And Plant Bites |
- Bruises And Sprains |
- Freezing |
- Bruises And Bumps |
- Cuts |
What else could the ancient elixir know besides soothing numerous skin problems and physical pain?
The Arquebusade herbal Water has another complex and extraordinarily important method of use, which is body hygiene and oral hygiene, as a result of the many active ingredients extracted from herbs!
1. A High level body hygiene and oral disinfection, perfect oral hygiene, clean feel of your mouth, pleasant and fresh breath!
2. After your morning routine, 100% natural body treatment. As a result of its antibacterial effect, body and armpit protection!
3.It also stimulates hair growth the scalp and hair becomes stronger and healthier! It stops hair loss and dandruff!
4. Foot treatment: foot sweating, foot swelling and foot itching!
5. Also found out how they used Arquebusade Water in the past for various skin and health conditions!
For the above listed skin problems and physical pains Arquebusade Water was manufactured and used from the beginning of the 1500s, then later from the 1790s up until the 1900s!
Production of the Arquebusade Elixir while preserving the ancient method
How is this wonderful elixir made?
Today, the original recipe of the Arquebusade Water made by monks in the 1500s is in Switzerland in the Canton of Jura.
I was very interested in the production of Arquebusade Water, and I thought a lot about getting to know it so then I could share it with others as well! I'm glad to say, my wish was granted, because in the spring of 2012 the Swiss Arquebusade Water manufacturer allowed me to take a peek into their production processes.
Let’s see what can I tell you about the production
The herbs prepared for use were in large white textile bags in the room. The bags were labelled with the name of the herbs. I checked the herbs one-by-one and read-up on their effects.
The herbs are collected by hand
The majority of the herbs found in Arquebusade Water have strong anti-inflammatory, would-healing, bleeding reducing, painkilling, blood vessel contracting, skin relaxant, and skin regenerating anti-aging effects! Furthermore, numerous herbs have antibacterial, antiviral and antimicrobial effects. This is the main reason why Arquebusade Water is so effective!
The herbs are carefully selected and precisely dosed
These truly wonderful herbs are professionally classified and measured precisely to the gram before being placed in barrels. These barrels contained water alcohol solutions with various strength and the extraction of the herbs started in this solution (maceration).
The manufacturer entered several times a day and spent approx. 2 hours in the preparation area, where he was taking care of the herbs soaked in the barrels! I cannot exactly tell what production process took place, because it is treated as trade secret!
The last phase of the production: distillation
I was also allowed to enter the preparation area every day, and they let me take small samples of the herbs which changed their colors day to day. Thus I was able to see the starting reactions taking place in the extraction phase, and I could touch and try the extract on my skin in it's essential oil state.
I could not wait until the end of the maceration and the distillation, because my work duties called me home. But thanks to the internet I followed the events. The last phase of the production, the distillation was concluded after the 5th week have passed!
During the week spent in Switzerland with the manufacturer of Arquebusade Water, the sensation that I can be the witness and the part of something fantastic greatly intensified in me. I could feel that this treasure Arquebusade Herbal Water was in the best hands possible. The great love of the manufacturer, his goal to preserve the ancient values of Arquebusade Water and handing it to the next generation transcended the place!
This little manufactory is a deserving successor of Fabre & Bouet House, the first official producer of Arquebusade Water. Today we can consider this small company the official producer of the True Arquebusade Water in the 21st century!
Arquebusade Water, also known as the Water of Life is now available to everyone! It is an essential part in daily skin and body care among women and men who cherish themselves! And it is also deservedly in the home-pharmacy of many families as a medicinal product.
Media appearances
The media often writes about this ancient Elixir even today,because it has been proven beneficial to people for centuries.
The herbal elixir was used first time in wars by the musketeers in the 16th century
Soldiers not only treated their skin injuries, horrific gunshot and stab wounds, bedsores and skin infections, but also eased their body pains received during combat with the herbal elixir!
For example for their aching feet, back, neck, muscle aches, bruises, sprains, joint pains, scalp problems and foot pain caused by military footwear. They have even used it for mouth infections, sore throats, gingivitis, other gum problems and their toothache. It has been used successfully against stings of spiders and other insects and plants as well.
Whoever uses it loves it
Thanks to its beneficial effects on skin and for body aches, the Elixir has been reused in Europe and on other continents as well! Numerous health magazines, bio magazines, and women’s magazines are happy to write about the Arquebusade Elixir, its history, its beneficial effects, to help to make this truly special, centuries-old herbal extract known to the people of today. Arquebusade Elixir is doing good every day for 500 years!
About the author
Introduction of naturopath Arnold Landgraf’s documentary book (excerpt from the full writing)
I have been dealing with natural medicine for more than 10 years, but even before that I have always been interested in healing people! For me, my job is my passion because it is an exciting and challenging activity. Not only do I help people who come to me to heal, but I am constantly looking for natural alternatives that I can give people to help their healing further!
This is how I found this ancient herbal remedy in 2001, which has been known since the 1500s, and is called the Arquebusade Elixir. This ancient Elixir of herbs is a wonderful gift from monks who lived in the past and has many beneficial effects for people today. Found out more in the booklet!
If you are reading my lines, then this is time for me to thank you for spending your time learning about the history of Arquebusade Elixir! I hope I shared a lot of valuable information that you can use in your daily life! If you would like to have this wonderful herbal elixir, let me share some additional important information below.
If you wish to buy Arquebusade Water, pay attention to 4 important aspects
1. Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, Delivery Conditions, Legal Declaration
Check if the website of the distributor includes: Terms
and Conditions - Delivery
Conditions - Data Protection - Precise Payment Conditions - Contact. The
Terms and
Conditions and the Data Protection must contain the name, address, data of the company that
operates the website, the purchase conditions as well as its host address, the hosting
company’s data and accessibility as well as other important data. If you do not find these,
it is best if you immediately leave the website! Continue reading...
On these types of websites only the payment part functions,
where a ‘Company name’ is given (check in the Company Database), which is most often
false. The account number is usually real, since the money must be received somehow! If
you purchase from a website like this and fail to receive the product, it is almost
impossible to get your money back! If the ‘product’ happens to be delivered, it is
almost certainly not what you ordered and paid for. These websites typically use the
Arquebusade Water related text of other real manufacturing and distribution companies,
which is extraordinarily deceiving, since many well-informed customers who find their
website can easily confuse them with the products and ads of companies that sell real
Arquebusade Water.
Always be very careful with these websites! It is unfortunate that websites like
these exist!
2. Number of herbs
On the website look for the page showing the ingredients of Arquebusade Water.Throughout history Arquebusade Waters have been made of 24 and 75 herbs. If you find a different number on the distributor’s website, it is time to be suspicious! A serious manufacturer or distributor always shows the ingredients of its products. If you do not find that, it is best to leave instantly.
3. The history of Arquebusade
Look for the history of the product! Because the recipe written down in the beginning of the 1630s is the only still remaining Arquebusade Water recipe, that can be fit into the authentic story.
4. Brand name
According to my many years of research, Arquebusade Waters with the brand name Fabre & Bouet could be considered the most authentic! Their quality and effectiveness is unparalleled, furthermore their website complies with every aspect of the rules of fair customer information!
- JP-Droz (2001 - 2002 Delemont, Suisse)
- EDA International (2004)
- Arsad Sárl (2006-2007-2008 canton Fribourg, Bulle)
- Eau d’Arquebusade Distribution (2008)
- Hírvilág Press Kft (2003): The history of Arquebusade Water